Terrell Owens and Chad Johnson Remind Everyone They Were Once Teammates. In a 17-Woman, 12-Hour Orgy.

Joe Robbins. Getty Images.

Between them, Terrell Owens and Chad Johnson combined for over 1,800 receptions, about 27,000 receiving yards, 220 touchdowns, 12 Pro Bowls and 8 All Pros. And you could be forgiven if you've forgotten they were teammates for one season, on the 2010 Bengals. First, because that team only went 4-12. But even more so because, as we just found out, that wasn't even close to being the best work they ever did together:

NY Post - Johnson and Owens, who played together briefly with the Bengals in 2010, recalled a trip to the Dominican Republic, which Johnson called a “lil orgy” with more than a dozen women. 

“We went through about what, 17 women in what, 12 hours?” Johnson said while holding a cigar. 

“My mind ain’t good dog … I thought it was about 12,” Owens said.

“I don’t forget nothing like that boy,” Johnson said, adding he remembered because “you can’t end sex on even numbers.” 

The pair reminisced about the event. 

“I was done after about two or three,” Owens joked.

“I had to recoup. I had to recover dawg.” 

Somewhere in the life of every athlete there's a line that separates mere talent from true greatness. Only a precious few ever get to reach it. It's hard to define. But when it does get crossed, it's unmistakable. And without question, these two crossed their lines from simple generational talents into legendary status when they took on 17 women in the Dominican Republic for 12 hours. 

Sure, it takes a great deal of stamina to run 35 or so routes a game. It takes strength to fend off the best athletes America produces as they try to stop you. It takes toughness to take the punishing hits you get from men you're giving away 120 pounds to. And enormous courage to do it time and time and time again. 

But compared to pleasuring 17 women over the span of half a day, being an NFL wideout is child's play. Think of the stamina it takes to keep your hips in motion all that time. The strength it takes to keep going through your refractory period and getting back in the game. And the courage one needs to risk Gonorrhea just to make history. That's when you know you've crossed that indefinable line from merely good into becoming a true Orgy Hall of Famer.

P.S. The Masshole in me won't hide the fact that the first thought I had when I heard this is that Johnson had more women that day (17) than he had catches for the 2011 Patriots (16, including playoffs). Never forget that Ochocinco boned us too.