Nick Saban's Phone Number Has Been Leaked To The Public And He's Getting Blown Up By Florida State Fans

Tide Illustrated (lol) - Nick Saban famously doesn’t deliver emails. However, the head coach will answer his phone. Unfortunately, he spent much of Sunday fielding complaints from anonymous callers upset over Alabama’s inclusion in the College Football Playoff.

“I’ve had probably over 250 anonymous callers today, calling me every name in the book, talking about how we shouldn’t be in the playoff,” Saban told his players during Alabama’s awards banquet Sunday night in a video obtained by TideIllustrated. “So we still have naysayers out there. We still have players who don’t believe in us.”

Good to see Florida State fans are having themselves a normal day. Honestly, I can't even blame them for it. They have every right to be pissed. I mean... calling Nick Saban personally is fucking psycho. But I suppose that's fairly harmless compared to what they could be doing. Any minute now I'm expecting Coach Duggs to show up at Saban's home with a bag of flaming bricks. 

However, I'd be stupid to not ask this question... Who do you think leaked Nick Saban's phone number? Why did Nick Saban's number get leaked to the public? Now why is that?

I'm not making any accusations, but…  I'm just saying…. Nick Saban fielding hundreds of calls from pissed of college football fans is pretty good bulletin board material for the Tide.  

"Gather around team. You know what I spent my week doing? I took calls from fans across the country. They don't think you guys deserve to be here. They think you stink. They called you all punk ass wannabe football playing bitches who will never succeed on the field or in life. Where's Jalen Milroe? I'm sorry to say this Jalen, but every single caller said your was mom a filthy whore. They said she's a 7/11 because she's always open. They're talking about her legs." - Nick Saban at their next team meeting (probably).

Not that Alabama needed any more motivation. They've seen plenty online. But if you're Nick Saban, you can never have too much of it. 

“Most of these people are from Florida,” Saban said, drawing a laugh from the crowd. “I don’t know how in the hell they got my number, but it is out there.” 

It sure did get out there didn't it Saban… I'm not accusing you of anything sir. But I'm watching you. You can't keep getting away with this