'When Others Go Low, I Went Lower' - Jamal Adams Keeps Doubling Down On Being The Biggest Loser In The NFL After Bringing A Reporter's Wife Into A Twitter Fight

You may be wondering why that tweet is leading this all off. Well, this is the tweet that sent off one of the weirdest and quite frankly reminding the world Jamal Adams is a loser. You see, Jamal Adams fucked up on this play. He gave up a touchdown, anyone with eyes can see this. Yikes is one of the most common tweets out there. I don't care who you are, I see a yikes about a play or a quote or whatever all the time. 

So how did Jamal Adams act? He tweeted out a picture of Connor Hughes' wife, actually a family picture, by saying yikes. Yeah, that's right. Normal reaction. Naturally Jamal Adams got destroyed for being a loser.

Now, hey, people say shit all the time they don't mean and overreact. Those normal people apologize or at least explain themselves. Oh no, this is what Adams said: 

[Source] - "He's been going on saying a couple things since the trade, and obviously it's been happening before that, and I just got fed up with it," Adams said. "… Whether it was uncalled for or not, my ultimate goal was to get [him] to not respond to me anymore. That was the key, and that's what I hope it is."

"He's another one," Adams said. "Do not like. … At the end of the day, hey, you responded to something that was not a part of y'all's team and you obviously had something personal versus me. So, hey, when others go low, I went lower."

Christ almighty dude, could you sound lamer? I mean everyone in the world is saying yikes to watching you attempt to play coverage. Spare me that he's a reporter who said things about you. Guess what? No athlete is going to be universally liked especially one who was overhyped like Adams. Blitz boy is a nickname for a reason. Even funnier is this community note though: 

Spare me the whole stand 10 toes down and all that bullshit. Can we all agree to move on from that, HIMothy and all these other terrible sayings that get overplayed one week in? Anyways, you may say hey at least the Seahawks have his back. They are in the locker room with him. Surely, they'll defend him to a degree. 

Or maybe Pete Carroll and the Seahawks are normal? They realize how dumb Jamal Adams looks and how stupid it is to bring in someone's family. I've always said I'm pro shit talking. If you want to defend yourself, by all means, go ahead. But it's mano a mano. No bringing in a wife for no reason. It's that simple. If you really have a vendetta against each other, there's plenty of ways to attack it. Or you could simply not get burnt on a touchdown. Either/or really. 

I don't doubt there's history between Hughes and Adams. Shit, name one big player and reporter that don't have history. But if you get that pissy about a yikes tweet, you got work to do. That's nothing. In summary, I defer to KFC who laid it out correctly: