Somebody Dropped Some Serious Heat At The Bears Game Today. A Man Was Caught Taking A Shit Inside A Boiler Room Closet At Soldier Field.

I got my ass back to Chicago this morning to meet my friend crew from college for the Lions-Bears game at Soldier Field today. 

When I tell you it was cold as fuck, I mean chilly to the bone. I know it's December in Chicago, but 1- it was 50 the past two days here. And 2- it felt abnormally cold at that game today and tailgating before. (Shout out Ricky Boots' crew and the Warrior Wishes guys.)

I say that for context in this guys' defense. 

Some animal had nothing better to do that be a creepy peeping Tom, spying on my man here while he goes to the bathroom. Then they went and sent it to Eddie. Disgusting behavior. 

Let he who hath not shit next to a Rheem water boiler in a legendary stadium at a major sporting event cast the first stone.

You know how cold those toilet seats must have been in the Soldier Field bathrooms today? Covered in piss too. What'd you want this guy to do? Sit in cold piss? 

Nobody should be pointing fingers at this guy with the toned leg. They should be mad at the custodian or stadium employee who left this door unlocked. 

Also, who's to say this poor guy wasn't inebriated beyond comprehesion, and thought he was actually in the bathroom. That piece of HVAC equipment looks an awful lot like a toilet and you know it. There's like 2 aisles apart at Home Depot. 

Let this man live.