Nikola Jokic Is Finally Doing Commercials And Of Course All It Took Was Giving Him A Pony

Michael Reaves. Getty Images.

It's not exactly a stretch to suggest that Nikola Jokic is one of the greatest basketball players to ever walk the earth. He's a Finals MVP, a 2x NBA MVP, and routinely does things on the basketball court that defy everything you assume a center should be able to do in a game. 

Aside from his dominance on the court, part of what makes Jokic unique is the fact that he doesn't seem to give a shit about anything else outside of winning a title and being with his horses. MVPs? Those are whatever. Being famous? It's almost as if it's a chore for him. Quick, name the last time you saw Jokic in some sort of commercial or promo for the league? This is a guy who couldn't even make the promo graphic on the night when the Nuggets got their rings!

So imagine my surprise when the following tweet came across my timeline

I need to know how they were able to convince Jokic to do this. Did they fork over a shit ton of money? Or, was Jokic immediately in once he learned that he would be able to hang out with a mini pony? How dare Peyton Watson not know the difference between a horse and a mini pony, you could sense the disgust on Jokic's face. The piano playing "pony" in the background was also a nice touch. 

Thankfully for us, this wasn't the only commercial Jokic was convinced to participate in

and I have to admit, for a guy that seems to hate everything outside of basketball and all the bullshit that comes with being an NBA superstar, Jokic is pretty good at it. Maybe he'd be way more open to stuff like this if companies put being around horses on the table. Do you want Jokic to make an appearance? Have a horse/pony available. Do you want him to make a commercial for you? Take a page out of's playbook and make sure it somehow involves Jokic's true love. 

Like with most of these commercials, the bloopers are always great and honestly, they probably should have just released this as a 3rd commercial

Meanwhile on the hardwood, Jokic is still doing the same old Jokic shit putting up 26.3/12.3/9.4 on 53.8% shooting, doing the type of stuff the league has literally never seen before

No player in NBA history has ever had a line like that before if you were curious. Now that Jokic has his ring and stuffed his haters who spent years trying to invalidate what he does on the court in a locker, maybe we'll be able to see a more personable side to Jokic because something tells me he's actually funny as hell. 

We often debate who the "next" face of the NBA is going to be once the wave of LeBron/KD/Steph etc all retire, and I always felt like people passed over Jokic because it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with that shit. Perhaps we had it all wrong. It's not that Jokic doesn't care, he just only wants to do this kind of stuff if you make it worth it to him, and everyone knows putting horses/ponies/pools on the table is right up his alley.