Michigan vs Bama Was The Greatest Game Ever And You Can't Convince Me Otherwise

The Michigan/Alabama Rose Bowl was one of those days where I asked myself, "Why the fuck did I become a sports fan?" Like 100 times. I’ve been watching sports for a long time, and yesterday was another fresh reminder of why I drank in severe excess for a lot of my adult life. Stress. Stress. Stress. How do people do this? I had to stream going the entire time. I barely sat down except to eat a few slices of pizza. I'm wound tight. In this particular instance, though, can you blame me? I’ve never experienced a game like that. It was a Rose Bowl instant classic.

There isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said. Michigan is going to the National Championship. Every joke that people made about Jim Harbaugh's ability to win a playoff game is now dead. They are one victory away from immortality. But no matter what happens, this Rose Bowl game will be remembered not just as a classic game, but as an all-time nut check for the Wolverines. It felt like it was over. Michigan was down seven, Alabama had begun to control the offensive line, and they just found a way as they've done all year. People talked for years about the impact J.J. McCarthy was going to have on this program. We have our answer. No Michigan quarterback from the Harbaugh era other than him wins that football game. That final drive to tie the game was some big boy shit. 

This game will go down as one of the most vindicating wins in sports history. The shit talk is slowly coming to an end. You know that Michigan team that everybody with a brainstem knew was really good? Turns out they're really fucking good. What are they going to say now? This team has always been different. Personally, I still still haven't recovered. Thank God we have a week between games. My heart might recover by then.