Travis Kelce's Agents Saying They're Worried Their Client is Overexposed and America is Sick of His Act is the Biggest 'Ya THINK?' of All Time

MEGA. Getty Images.

I don't think there's a man, woman or child among us that doesn't have that one thing they believe they discovered before anyone else. That intellectual property you got in on the ground floor of, before it blew up. A band. A movie. A TV show. An expression. A meme. A YouTube video. An R-rated sports/comedy/pop culture website. 

It's oddly gratifying to say you recognized someone's greatness before the rest of the world. For instance, my brother saw Chicago play at the Boston Garden back in the day. And immediately after bought the only album their opening act had released to that point. A New Jersey gentleman by the name of Springsteen. And I'm constantly getting approached by Stoolies who tell me they used to get the old print edition out of the newspaper boxes in Boston before any of their friends had heard of us. And not without some justified pride. It speaks to their good taste and excellent sense of humor that they recognized our genius before the general public did.

I've had a few successes on this front. For example, as a kid I was the first of my friends to discover Monty Python. As an adult, I was the only one I know watching Moonlighting, and knew right away Bruce Willis was going to be a megastar. But my proudest discovery of recent vintage was the pioneering work I did on one wide societal trend. 

I was among the first people to appreciate what an insufferable, self-possessed, ego-maniacal dipshit Travis Kelce is. 

Back when Kelce was merely the most productive hybrid tight end/wide receiver, putting up Rob Gronkowski-like numbers while never having to perform the dirty work in the trenches the way Gronk did, this thought first occurred to me. That the most dangerous place in America to be standing is between Kelce and a TV camera. I don't know how many postgame Patrick Mahomes interviews I watched him hijack to spew his useless nonsense that adds nothing to the conversation before I caught on to this, but I humbly say it might have been less than two. And when he tried to grab the mic from Mahomes at the White House this past year but the quarterback wouldn't give it up, I wanted Biden to put the Medal of Freedom around Mahomes' neck that very minute. 

All this was before Kelce the Celebrity really caught fire. The interviews. Hosting SNL. Endorsing enough goods and services to make Peyton Manning say, "Now, THAT guy has no shame." And then of course taking over the entire NFL season and the national consciousness with his dating life. 

Call me a hater, and all I'll say is thanks for listening to me for the last five years. And point out that I'm not alone. I was just one of the first. Now we are legion. To the point that even the businessmen who have the most to gain from Kelce's uberfame are admitting it's gone way too far:

Source - Travis Kelce's managers are worried that fans might become sick of the sight of the Kansas City Chiefs star as the media continues to be inundated with him. …

But he already had an established level of fame both on and off the football field, which has been carefully curated by his managers, André and Aaron Eanes.

The Eanes brothers, who run A&A Management and signed Kelce as the company's second client, had projected to make the tight end as famous as Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson but now worry his fame might have gone too far.

The increased attention … has raised concern within his camp that the world is becoming oversaturated with Kelce. 

The Eanes twins told the New York Times that they worry the world could grow numb to the sight of Kelce, if there is too much of him in the media. …

[Aaron] said the New Year will bring fewer deals with a focus on 'quality over quantity' and 'authenticity first'. 

If the Eanes' brothers actually go through with this, I hope there's a couple of extra Medals of Freedom in the White House storage closet. Because this will be one of the most selfless acts any civilian has ever done for the greater good of their countrymen. Kelce is a Golden Goose for them right now. A license to print money. Doing a line of work where everyone is one ACL tear away from obscurity. And they sound willing to scale that back to spare the rest of us? I can't think of anything more patriotic. 

And if true, we salute them. But at the same time, I have to warn them who they represent. Because as the article goes onto say, the Kelce Hype Train has barely even begun to pull away from the platform:

Back in October, Kelce filed for five trademarks on phrases, including his own name.

In addition to his name, the NFL player is reportedly also looking to trademark his Instagram handle, 'Killlatrav,' his signature catchphrase, 'Alright Nah,' a reference to his jersey number, 'Flight 87,' and 'Kelce's Krunch.'

The filings claimed that Kelce will use the trademarks for a variety of purposes, including pins, posters, bobbleheads, clothing and even a cereal. 

Good luck to the Eanes twins as they try to put this genie they released back into the bottle. They're talking about "quality" and "authenticity," and he's Krusty the Clown, ready to slap his "It's Not Just Good, It's Good Enough" Seal of Approval on everything from cereal:

… to meat-flavored burgers to defective home pregnancy tests that have to be repurposed to the Philippine market as coffee stirrers. Their client certainly doesn't act like someone interested in a lower profile. And he's got the endorsements, alleged girlfriend and registered trademarks to prove it. 

Only time will tell if he'll still have the same agents, though. Godspeed to you in your efforts, twins.