I Would Be Remised Not To Share This Water Bottle Life Hack With The World

Ya know the whole idea of TikTok is a VERY interesting one. On one side of it you have a bunch of teenagers dancing their lives away to the latest song trending from a pixar movie, on one side you have OF chicks making videos trying to align with the algorithm, on one side you have dumb dumbs like me attempting to make any possible video, and on the last side you have actual useful people like this providing the world with some great life hacks. Whether they be easy recipes for food (I prefer the air fryer ones), shortcuts on the internet, or stuff like this they are all AWESOME. 

Though this water bottle one very well may be the greatest one I've come across. You and I both know purchasing 24 packs of 16 oz. water bottles is an American pastime due to the wholesale and convenience of it, but you know what's NOT convenient about it? Having to fucking poke holes with our measly little fingers every time we want to grab a new bottle to quench our thirsts in the early morning. I'm happy to announce that that is no more thanks to this fucking renegade on TikTok. It's a beautiful thing & I'm glad to share it with you all. You're welcome.