We've Got Wild Footage of a Flying 'Jellyfish' Craft the Military Was Ordered to 'Hunt Down' as the 2024 in UFOs is Already Off to an Insane Start

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You can count me among the UFO enthusiasts who have gotten fatigued over the past year-plus of speculation, promises of blockbuster evidence that don't materialize, suggestions the government will finally be transparent about what they know that turn into nothing but worthless bureaucratic gobbledygook, and sensational YouTube videos that turn out to be frauds. 

Like a lot of people, I've moved past the Hopeful phase, gone through the Frustration stage, and am now settling into a sort of Dull Indifference. I'm more and more convinced anything we do hear from elected officials or military officers is a Psy-Op to distract us from some other thing. Or strongly considering the possibility that, as Joe Rogan has been suggesting, what we see in the sky is just advanced new propulsion technology the Department of Defense has developed in secret, like they did Stealth. So all this lack of concrete information might be by design, to lull the American public into boredom with the whole thing so we'll quit asking questions. 

But interest still remains. These weirdest of times continue, regardless of how low your enthusiasm level. There was the Miami mall incident just after New Years, in which seemingly every police squad car in Florida was scrambled. Reportedly over teenagers fighting and throwing firecrackers. Though people are claiming it was because of giant aliens. I'm not making that up:

TikTok is apparently buzzing with these claims. So much so that the Miami PD went to great lengths - which is to say, Instragram - to debunk them:

Then there was whistleblower David Grusch reportedly speaking to group of influential Manhattan society types to explain the craft being seen in the sky are non-human intelligence whose true nature only about 50 people know about. But that another government besides the US is ready to spill:

Which brings me finally to this, which trumps them all. Not just because it's the most convincing, but also because it comes from perhaps the most trusted source on the whole broad topic, researcher Jeremy Corbell:

Daily Mail - Shocking new UFO footage has revealed a 'jellyfish' craft that isn't visible to the naked eye - which was allegedly buried by the intelligence community.

Leaked US military footage of a mysterious flying object was unveiled by expert Jeremy Corbell.

Two different angles of the aircraft show the mysterious entity as it flies over the land and water of a military base.

The UFO can only be seen on thermal camera and the object switches between black and white - indicating a change in temperature from hot to cold.

Corbell revealed that troops in 2018 were instructed to 'hunt it down'.

The UFO was supposedly submerged in water for 17 minutes in the footage - before it's launched out of the water at rapid speeds. 

'It goes over a body of water. I'm told it stops on a dime, descends stiff into the water and for 17 minutes nothing. And boom! This thing comes out of the water and shoots off at 45 degrees,' Corbell said, describing the object's behavior. 

Witnesses said that each of the hanging 'legs' on the object were stuff and unmoving. 

Jeremy Corbell, an investigative journalist and filmmaker, said that the legitimacy of the footage was confirmed by sources who 'risked getting it' to him.

That footage is as convincing as it is astonishing. So by no means do I mean to make light of it. Other than to say no one who watches this thing fly over fields and rooftops sees a jellyfish. Each and every one of us is thinking the same three words:

"Imperial probe droid":

"It's a good bet the Empire knows we're here." 

"We better start the evacuation.

I don't mean to suggest I'm completely tapped out on this subject. Especially in light of Corbell's video. It stretches the limits of incredulity to think that jellyfish/probe droid is a fake, a natural phenomenon, or some piece of new tech that only people with the highest clearance know about and has the power to render itself invisible to anything but a thermal camera. 

What I'm increasingly worried about though, is that what we're witnessing is something far more sinister than any of them. 

I've been talking to a friend who is not just an educated paranormal authority, but an actual experiencer. Also someone of faith. And that friend has suggested what people are witnessing and our military are detecting don't have their origins in another planet, solar system or galaxy. But in the Old Testament. 

I'm only now starting to read up on it. And I'm no Bible scholar. So elaborating any more would be like a kid playing with dad's gun. So I'll just leave it at this for now. But consider what Tucker Carlson - who admits to being so freaked out by what sources have told him about these "aliens" that he won't discuss the details with his family - had to say this week:

So for me personally, this whole subject matter has taken a dark turn in 2024. And gotten a whole lot less fun. All we can do is wait to hear what the foreign government that Grusch mentioned has to say. If anything. Until then, I suggest praying is in order. See you in church.