Karolina Bojar-Stefańska Has Done The Impossible, She's Made Me Think That All Refs Aren't That Bad

I've long held the theory that refs, all refs, are terrible. I don't respect them, I hate that they can fuck up so many calls and not have to answer questions. They just are the worst. But now, after 36 years of thinking this way, I feel a change. I don't like it. Perhaps it's being old, perhaps it's proof that people can change with age and more time under their belt. But something is different. For the first time I'm thinking that refs aren't all that bad.

That's because I found out about Karolina Bojar-Stefanska 

[Source] - The beautiful Karolina Bojar-Stefanska officiates in the Ekstraliga, the top tier of the women's game in her homeland of Poland.

The 26-year-old hit the headlines when she married fellow Polish ref Daniel Stefanski.

I don't care for the fact that she married another ref. Too many whistles in one house, too many stripes in one house. But this isn't about the negative side of refs, we're trying to be positive here. You see Karolina is a triple threat according to her Instagram. Ref, lawyer and a runner with a trophy next to it? But perhaps she can add a 4th threat with her most recent post. 

SUP you say? Come on, that's too easy. But now she's getting up on sups, something I can't relate to. Perhaps she can teach me like Paul Rudd in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It might be her crowning achievement if we're being honest. Again, when I think of refs I think of the NFL calling bullshit roughing the passer or PI calls. I think of college basketball refs getting all horned up to call a terrible charge. That all changes today.

From here on out we think of Karolina and her 100% hit on deciding fouls. Today we acknowledge greatness as we lose it from coaches. We take time out of our schedule to respect what we have going on in the moment and not waiting until it's gone. That's what Karolina taught me through one Instagram at a time.