It's Been 32 Years, Every Lions Fan Should Be Bawling Their Eyes Out Like These Fellas

32 years since the last playoff win. 

These are the people who woke up every single day and thought they'd never see a Lions win. I don't care what sport it is, what team it is (unless I hate your team), cry your eyes out after you win. Do you know how much time we put into sports as a fan? It consumes us. These Lions fans had to basically trick themselves that this year would be the year 32 times in a row just to see ONE playoff win. We're not even talking a Super Bowl or anything here. A playoff win! 

I know as you get older it becomes 'tougher' or 'weirder' to have that strong of a reaction to sports. You may be worried about your kids or money or job marriage or whatever the hell else we do as adults. But sports, it's something that's just always there for you. Sure, you're going to be heartbroken and upset more often than not. It's why you cherish this one single moment. It's why you embrace a blocking tight end with balls of steel who called his shot at his press conference 

And speaking of Campbell, look at him in that clip. 

A pro's pro at getting off the field before he starts crying. Hat down, think of something else and fight back all that emotion. But back to these fans. Think of the shit they went through. Barry retiring early. Calvin Johnson retiring early. Stafford asking out. A 0 win season. Orlovsky running out of the end zone. Whether Calvin Johnson caught a ball or not. The playoff game against the Cowboys with the DPI call. Those are just some of the ones I can list off the top of my head and I'm not even a Lions fan. 

Sometimes you just gotta cry your eyes out. Seeing your NFL team win a playoff game for the first time in your life (most likely) is one of those times.