Ohio State Is Stealing Texas A&M's Athletic Director Ross Bjork To Come Dominate This New NIL World

Now THIS is music to my ears. To all the Texas A&M fans saying they'll gladly drive Bjork to the airport, that is why you're Texas A&M and that is why we're Ohio State. You simply don't understand that this is a home run hire for the Buckeyes. Monumental is another word that I would use to describe it, for two reasons: 

#1. Ryan Day, you are officially on the hot seat. Not that you already weren't, but this hire signifies one thing to me: Ohio State is fully embracing that money is no longer an issue. Not that it was ever an issue, but bringing big oil money experience Ross Bjork to town tells me that NIL, Collectives, and Buyouts are about to be prevalent in Columbus, Ohio. If you do not live up to our expectations, GOODBYE. It doesn't matter what that costs us. Bjork will raise it. I think the general understanding is that Ryan Day is currently safe until at least next November, and I would probably have to agree with that, but Gene Smith would at least let him finish the season should we lose to Michigan next year. Ross Bjork won't let him back in the locker room.

#2. If you came here to say that Ross Bjork is the one who hired Jimbo Fisher to a fully guaranteed contract through 2031 before paying him to not coach, don't worry, I am FULLY AWARE. But if you think that makes me blink an eye at this monumental hire for THE Ohio State University, then you're wrong. Let's not forget that Ross Bjork had to raise $77.6 million to fire Jimbo's ass. And that, folks, is why I'm all in on this guy. The man knows money. And we all know what college football has become in the last few years of the NIL era:

Giphy Images.

I love this hire. Who else would you rather poach in the world of college athletics than a guy with both Power 5 and billions of dollars of NIL experience…..? We're going to have the best coaches and the best players driving the best cars and signing the best contracts. 

Now, I must say, if Jim Tressel or Urban Meyer wanted this job and was not offered it, shame on Ohio State. If I've said it once I've said it a million times, I'm tired of a school led by a woman from New York, with a head coach from New Hampshire, with it's quarterback from Pennsylvania, all trying to manufacture a hatred for Michigan so bad that they refuse to say the name. It's fake. My dream team would be Jim Tressel (Cleveland / Youngstown) as President, Urban Meyer (northeast Ohio) as Athletic Director, and Mike Vrabel (Walsh) as head coach. That shit would not be fake. But if that's not an option, I'll take Mr. Money Bags as a close second. 

First order of business for Mr. Bjork…..fire Chris Holtmann, immediately. 

Fire his ass today. I know Bjork isn't officially on the job yet, but Chris Holtmann lost to 7-10 Michigan yesterday in an embarrassing fashion. Bjork needs to set the tone now of a few things: 

1. No one's job is safe if they can't Beat Michigan

2. This ain't the good old boys club anymore. Win and win big, or we'll find people that will pay to have your ass removed for not doing so. 

This is THE Ohio State University. It's time we start acting like it.