I Wrote This Same Blog Exactly One Year Ago And It Applies Again: Sean McDermott Is A Fucking Idiot

Nate just blogged this, but sadly, this fake punt, with a guy you're carrying on your roster solely for reasons that have nothing to do with level of play, this wasn't even the biggest head-scratcher of the night believe it or not.

Sean McDermott has been running on fumes for a few seasons now. The fact he had the boldness to trout out a c̶l̶o̶n̶e̶ practice squad guy, like he was thinking this was a Disney, movie is bonkers.

But what's even crazier than that, was when Buffalo had a chance to put this thing on ice, MARCHING on Kansas City, draining the clock to the two-minute warning by pounding the ball, they came out of the game timeout with 2nd and 9 and went brain dead. Instead of continuing to gash the KC defense with the run, they rolled Allen out to throw deep into the endzone. For two horrible incompletions out of the endzone.

Then, they trotted their kicker out for what McDermott apparently thinks is a routine chip-shot 44-yard attempt. (In the playoffs. With the game on the line.)

What's been lost, due to the missed kick, was how lucky Buffalo got with Hardman fumbling that ball out of the endzone for a Bills touchback. This game probably ends up a laugher if he holds on for TD there.

I'm on two different text threads with several Buffalo friends, and I've been searching for answers to this from them all, all night since that game ended.

What the hell were they thinking?

What was McDermott thinking?

The craziest part of this all, is that I wrote this EXACT same blog a year ago to the day because McDermott cost his team as usual with braindead coaching. 

Last year, the Bills got bounced by Joe Burrow and the Bengals because McDermott and Leslie Frazier thought it'd be a good idea to not pressure Burrow all game

This season, it was bizarre play calls and, just bizarre lapses of judgment. 

I needed answers, so I looked everywhere I could for the Bills postgame press conference feed, so I could hear it from this dunce himself.

(McDermott starts at 43 min mark)

Slickly he opened it up by heaping piles and piles of praise upon the fans of Buffalo he loves to torture. 

He then proceeded to point out that (Buffalo) "we needed to be better in two phases, and the offense wasn't one of them".

Giphy Images.

Oh ok. 

In a season that has been devestated with terrible play, and terrible officiating, it's also been exceptionally bad in the level of coaching. 

It's piss poor.

As was the questioning in McDermott's press conference tonight. 

Repeated questions about what went wrong with Bass' kick to tie the game, and what he thinks led to him missing. Focusing on the kicker coming up short with not one single follow-up question as to what he thought they were going to do giving the ball back to Kansas City needing 45 yards with over a minute against your wet paper towel defense. 

Not one single question about what he was thinking, after doing a great job draining the clock leading up to the two-minute warning (Buffalo took over the ball with 8:23 left in the game. They killed over 6 minutes on that drive up until then by pounding the ball.) and coming out on 2nd and 3rd down chucking it? Stopping the clock. What you just went out of your way not to do. And resting your entire season on the foot of a kicker. 

p.s.- this was well played

p.p.s. - looking forward to seeing what people think on this