"It's A Stupid Rule" - Tyrese Haliburton Made It Pretty Clear He's Not The Biggest Fan Of The NBA's 65 Games Played Rule For Regular Season Awards

Dylan Buell. Getty Images.

When you look at the current state of the NBA, it's certainly not perfect. There are plenty of things you could list as areas of improvement. You have the fact that it's becoming harder and harder to actually play defense given what a player is allowed to do, the officiating is a disaster for a number of reasons, ranging from an inconsistent whistle to ejecting star players all because a refs' feelings got hurt. In recent seasons, players actually playing was high on the list.

The issue of load management is a problem for more than just the basketball part. Fans pay money to see stars play, especially when it's maybe the only time that guy is going to be playing in that city while on the road. TV networks pay a shit ton of money in order to broadcast these games, with the impression that people will tune in to see the stars. Given the fact that the league is negotiating a new TV deal, all that stuff matters. So the more stars sat and more and more fans got screwed, it was clear the NBA had to do something.

So they came up with the 65 games played requirement (and the whole can't sit 2 All Stars at the same time rule) to be eligible for NBA awards and All NBA teams. You get to take off 20% of the season and that's it, whether that's for rest or injury the league does not care. Not a super crazy number, but a number low enough that surely there would be chaos once we started to see who would and wouldn't become eligible this year. 

Welcome to that time.

Tyrese Haliburton has had a dominant start to this season. A more than worthy All Star starter, he's been playing at an All NBA level during every second he's been on the floor. He kills good teams, he kills bad teams, he NEVER turns the ball over, and he plays with a style that looks like he was molded by some sort of combination of the 7 Seconds Or Less Suns and the Showtime Lakers. He plays with the Pace of those Suns in a 2024 version with the flash of Magic pushing the break. I'm not trying to be hyperbolic, it's just the way my brain processes what he's done

His issue unfortunately is the fact that tonight Haliburton will play in his 35th game. Given the fact that the Pacers have played 47, you can see he's getting close to the threshold for any award/All NBA. His hamstring injury is the culprit, and given how important Haliburton is and the fact that the Pacers are still 27-20, you have to be extra cautious. The last thing you do is mess with hamstring injuries. 

It's going to be a shame if a season as brilliant as the one that Haliburton is having gets disqualified due to this 65 game rule, but unfortunately, that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. Injuries suck. That does not make the rule stupid, in fact, I would argue that legislation that forces NBA players to actually play NBA basketball is a good thing. I'd even call it smart. As they say, the best ability is availability and drawing a line of eligibility at 80% of games played is a fair cutoff.

Haliburton also isn't alone in this. Joel Embiid is about to lose out on an MVP and All NBA season because of this same rule (he has 5 games left). The reality of the situation is Embiid's season has been INSANE and when you look back on the 2024 MVP and 2024 All NBA First Team, he won't be there. That feels weird on some level, but that's just how it goes. Durability matters. It's more important for Embiid and the Sixers to get his body through a regular season, and if that has to cost him an MVP and All NBA, that's the gamble they are forced to make. 

We've also seen Jimmy Butler, Kyrie, Porzingis, Darius Garland, be impacted by this rule, and the list is only going to get longer as the season goes on. 

I think everyone can agree it sucks to see a great season not get the recognition it may have in the past, but we live in a new era. If things were to ever change I could maybe see them drop the number for All NBA but keep it at 65 for the awards. Embiid has made All NBA teams playing 51 games, so I could see a world where awards are 65 and All NBA is 50. My guess is the NBAPA will bring it up.

For Haliburton, tough break, but the more important thing is being healthy for what should be an exciting second half and big playoff run. But calling the 65 game rule dumb? Hard disagree.