If Brock Purdy Doesn't Want To Answer Questions About Resembling Lee Harvey Oswald, Then He Shouldn't Make It To The Super Bowl

First of all, that seemed like a pretty non-committal answer to me. All I know is that if Brock Purdy were the quarterback of my favorite football team, I'd want him to vehemently denounce any and all comparisons to a guy who shot and killed an American President. Brock Purdy seemed like he was on the fence about that one for a while there. 

But here's the deal, kids. I've seen plenty of folks out there make the claim that this "reporter" was in the wrong for asking Brock about the shocking resemblance he bares to Lee Harvey Oswald. I'm here to tell you right now that this is exactly what Super Bowl media week is all about. You have every single media outlet in the country showing up to an event that maybe 3 or 4 people actually need to ask questions at. Some of these folks think they're the next Walter Cronkite, some of them just wanted an excuse to bring the company card to Vegas. 

Either way, Super Bowl media week brings out the most unserious cavalcade of reporters who constantly think they're either the smartest or funniest person in the room. An entire week dedicated to folks with the most inflated sense of self-importance given unlimited access to athletes about to play in the biggest game of their life. 

Of course there are going to be a million and one dumbass questions asked all week. It's not this reporters fault for asking a question that 100% was going to be asked by someone at some point this week. It's Brock Purdy's fault for even making it to the Super Bowl in the first place. The moment the 49ers punched their ticket to the Super Bowl, Brock Purdy lined himself up for these questions. Nobody at media week actually gives a shit about getting a hard hitting story. It's all about who can ask the most ridiculous question, hopefully get the answer to go viral, and then they can justify the $500 bar tab they expensed to the company. 

So if Brock Purdy doesn't want to answer these questions anymore, the solution is simple--just never make it to the Super Bowl again. Don't do it anymore. Play the worst football of your life every January from now until the end of your career. Problem solved. 
