I'm Sold On Shohei Ohtani Beating Barry Bonds' Record After The Dodgers Posted Him Taking BP Today

The Monday after the Super Bowl sucks. There's nothing to talk about besides the storylines from last night that everyone else is talking about, and besides the whole Internet being abuzz for our $100,000 DraftKings free throw challenge today (#DKPartner btw):

Besides that, it's the pot calling the kettle black on the worst athlete in the office after Jeff D Lowe missed 3 pointers for all of 7 minutes… until the Dodgers posted this twenty minutes ago. I'm the leading (and only) Dodgers fan in this office to add to my long resume of Real Madrid and Lakers fandom, so when I say this brought me to tears I'm not kidding. I don't even like baseball that much but I will be watching every single game because this lineup is pure scenes. I don't want to give you boring baseball stats that a bunch of boomers like Klemmer would yearn for, but instead, just the purest sound in sports that Ohtani gave us a masterclass on. The way baseball was meant to be consumed.

Anyone with an ounce of concern or doubt for Shohei was immediately silenced by the sweet, sweet sound of his bat making contact this afternoon. It's officially baseball season and after the DraftKings After Dark challenge, that will be the sole focus until it's time for the Lakers playoff run. The good news is that there might not be any room in between the challenge and baseball's Opening Day because they will be in that Chicago office gym for weeks trying to finish that thing.

Godspeed to the rest of the MLB and more importantly the fellas trying to shoot 41 consecutive free throws.