It Just Means More: 45-Year-Old Dad Enrolls At School To Play For His Son's College Lacrosse Team

Do you have any idea how good of a dad you have to be to play goalie for your son's college lacrosse team? We're not just talking about this dude suiting up and playing defense, where he can legally slash the shit out of a bunch of 19-year-olds. We're talking about stepping in between the pipes and just getting peppered from 7-yards out. 

All to be able to hang out with your kids a little more. Guy either has no feeling in his legs, or he loves the shit out of his kids. If Rory Sanders isn't the Father of the Year for that move, then I don't know who in the world would be qualified. 

It probably also doesn't hurt that he gets to go to all the lacrosse parties now at school. Take a few classes to get you Organizational Supervision degree, get lit up in net during a game against UT-Dallas. It's all a small price to pay to be able to go back to college parties at 45. Anything to relive the glory days.