AWESOME: Penn State Played In Their Old Gym, Basically In Front Of Students Only And Had Brad Underwood Begging For It To Never Happen Again

There's obviously a lot of things to talk about with this game. One of the biggest collapses we've seen this year but I want to talk about what needs to happen. Penn State needs to do this every game. Look at this environment. This is what college basketball is supposed to be. I grew up not far from Penn State, hate them with a passion. But you know what they don't have? Any sort of passion about basketball, especially when it's at the Bryce Jordan Center. Nobody around there cares enough about the program to make it feel like a home court advantage.

So yesterday they played at Rec Hall, an old, small gym. It was basically for students and season ticket holders. You know what happened? Brad Underwood was begging to never do it again. 

Of course opponents wish they were at Bryce Jordan Center. But you know what? College sports are all about homecourt advantage. Give yourself, by any means necessary, an advantage. Play in front of students only. I know you need money from people spending it on tickets and concessions, but winning matters just as much. Tell me this doesn't look awesome and what we need more of in college basketball

It's perfect. As for the game? Coleman Hawkins, what the hell are you doing dude? 

That's a foul 10 outta 10 times. Can't just run into a guy's legs. Hawkins is coming off a win against Maryland where he trolled them after. Put on a Maryland shirt and danced around. Brutal here. Up 7 with 40 seconds to go and lose. Rec Hall Magic. They should never play in Bryce Jordan Center again.