Trump's Lawyer Alina Habba Will NOT Be Shamed for Looking Amazing in a Bikini

I believe that by now I've established I'm one of millions of Americans who admires the attorney on Trump's civil case, Alina Habba. Not for any partisan political reasons in these contentious times:

But because to me Atty. Habba embodies the spirit of the strong, independent, modern woman with a career and a family. Who proves to all those young girls out there that you can not only have it all, you can have it all at once. And I respect how she doesn't back down or apologize to anyone for her success:

Here is her exact quote:

"I'll tell you something. Somebody said to me, 'Alina, would you rather be smart or pretty?' 

"And I said, 'Oh, easy. Pretty! I can fake being smart.'"

Bravo, Counselor. Chef's kiss to that. 

Granted, that civil case didn't go the way Atty. Habba was hoping for. Her client is out $450 million or something for a case that experienced business people like Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary think had no legal basis and never should never have been brought. But hey, that's Law Business. Everybody takes an L sometimes. You lose every lawsuit you don't defend. All you can do is tip your cap to them. And file an appeal. 

And of course she's getting hammered for that one. Which is fine. It comes with the territory when you're handling the high profile cases involving the most divisive figure in America. She's the Woman in the Arena. And as Teddy Roosevelt put it, her "place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” So say what you will. 

What I will not, cannot, tolerate is the criticism she's taking about this photo that went viral:

Or the ones suggesting she can't be both a talented, high-powered legal expert and look great around the pool:

That I shall not abide. You put respect in your mouth when you post about Alina Habba, Esq. Your Free Speech doesn't give you the right to yell "She's not fire" at a crowded resort. These days everyone loves to see everything as a threat to democracy. Well what is less democratic than criticizing someone for relaxing poolside on a gorgeous day in Florida? 

The upside is that, while this treatment bothers me, and all decent, patriotic Americans in love with liberty, it doesn't phase the woman this vitriol is directed at: 

Source - Habba offered some insights on a wide range of topics [including] that viral bikini photo. …

For whatever reason, Habba wearing a bikini to — of all places — the pool, ruffled some feathers.

"I am 39-years-old," Habba said. "I'm not dead yet and I most certainly am not going to wear a suit to the pool. I am entitled to be a human being sometimes and wear a dress that's maybe a little shorter than what I would wear to court, but I always think I dress tastefully, and to anyone who cares to make comments on what I wear. Find a life."

That's how you strike a blow for freedom. For our way of life.

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America. Fook yeah. 

If the civil attorney for a former Commander in Chief can't rock a tasteful two-piece bathing suit by the pool to bask in the Florida sunshine, we can no longer call ourselves the greatest nation on Earth. Fortunately this one particular sworn officer of the court isn't going to suffer these fools gladly. 

Go find a life indeed, losers. You misogynists will all be throwing shade out of the other side of your mouth when this 39-year-old is President herself someday.