Dan Bilzerian Says He Discovered The Truth After Having Sex With Thousands Of Women And That "Monogamy Is Better As Strange As That Is"

I haven't heard from Dan Bilzerian in years, and his return to the Internet is this viral clip that tells you what we already knew: water is wet. I loved the last part of this where he got in his philosophical bag and said that fellas, there's a chance a woman who cares about you for the right reasons WON'T want you sleeping with other partners. And the part where he said if he was sleeping with 2 different women on one day that he was having an off-day. My teenage years that pumped this guy's Instagram numbers to Bolivian after seeing his make believe lifestyle would thank him. I have to imagine that was the only age group that was keeping Dan Bilzerian going.

We don't mention K*nye on this blog nearly enough, but you could have skipped the minute long monologue from Dan where he discovers monogamy and give him 8 seconds of your attention instead:

Breaking news: this lifestyle below wasn't sustainable.

Developing common sense at 40 is a darned darned thing.