A Cold Beer After Work Led To The Downfall Of An Entire European Country

You know it's going to be a phenomenal episode of Twisted History when you check your inbox and see an email from Large with Ass Play in the subject line. 

side note: When I see an email from Michael McCarthy, for a brief second I will always think I'm getting an email from the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. My smooth brain can't comprehend Large's birth name isn't Large, it's Michael McCarthy. 

I'm not sure how up to date you are on your Central European history, but even if you're well versed, I bet you didn't know one of the cracks in the wall that led to the collapse of Yugoslavia was a farmer shoving a beer bottle up his own ass. During WWII, Yugoslavia was formed from 6 republics, but due to politics and religion, none of them got along, and civil unrest led to conflict and war which led to them breaking apart. 

Insert Djordje Martinovic, a Serbian farmer who after an exhausting day of working in his field decided to put a beer bottle on the end of a stick and ram it up his asshole. Unfortunately for Ol' Marty, the glass bottle he decided to pleasure himself with shattered in his ass. When Martinovic showed up to the hospital he did what most people do when something has been lodged in their ass for pleasure, lied about how it happened. Djordje Martinovic made up a story about two Albanians shoving the bottle where the sun don't shine, and people believed it because 

1. Serbians didn't get along with Albanians 

2. Martinovic didn't go neck of the bottle first, he went with the blunt bottom end first, which doesn't seem pleasurable, it seems like a crime. 

Martinovic's story about two Albanian thugs attacking him became a reason to spread further distrust among Serbians. He became a folk hero, so much so that a painting depicting Martinovic as Jesus on the cross being defiled with wine bottles was created. This was not the biggest reason for the break up of Yugoslavia, but you could say it was the straw that broke the camel's back. 

I don't doubt the people of Serbia heard about a guy having a glass bottle break in his stink star and it ruining their life. Back in the early days of the internet my friend's from the neighborhood and I watched the video of the guy having a mason jar shatter in his dook chute. As the blood dripped onto the ground in the video, I knew that my childhood was officially over, this was our generation's version of trench warfare, the internet had turned us into men. 

This episode is less gross and more light hearted than you'd expect. We go more in depth on the fall of Yugoslavia, discuss the weirdest things ER doctors have seen in people's sphincters, and even talk about the biggest celebrity poon-hounds in old Hollywood. Listen in podcast form or watch on Rumble.