'What The Fuck Is That' - Dan Hurley Losing His Mind On The Refs And Talking Shit With Zach Edey Makes This Game Even Better

Hell yes. This is what you want to see in a national title game. This is what we all want to see. We know Hurley is a fucking lunatic and Edey has been talking shit more and more this year. I want the No. 1 vs No. 2 national title game to be one that gets some hate involved. I don't care if it's the crazy coach exchanging words with the NPOY. It's the title. If Hurley was acting calm, cool and collected on the bench I'd be worried something is wrong. In fact I'd hate every bit of it. 

And I'm sure people are out there losing their minds about it all, but welcome to sports. Shit talking happens every time, no matter the sport. Not to mention this is the Hurley way. He's not a calm guy on the floor. He's going to lose his mind, especially with High Knees out there reffing, because it's the only way he knows how to coach. It's pretty successful! 

But this is awesome. This game has been unreal so far. Edey has been on fire, UConn opens up a lead before Purdue's guards hit some shots. This is what we needed from this sort of title game. It's rare we get 1v2 and it lives up to the hype. So far it's been just that.