Internet Clowns Man For Living A Life 99.99% Of The World Would Consider Successful

We are in the era where everyone is a content creator. That's how we will look back on the immediate post-COVID era. THE CONTENT ERA. 

Included in that is day in the life videos from normal ass dudes, such as the fella above. I've seen him before. He's been doing videos like this for at least a year now, and has found some success. 

His life is incredibly above average. He loves his dog, works in a cubicle, lives in a nice house in Texas (that probably costs $72), and takes advantage of his hour long lunch-break. He posts videos like these on his TikTok:

Sometimes the video gets past TikTok and makes it to Twitter.....and people act as if he is living the worst life you could possibly think of:

The Andrew Tate's of the world will say this guy is "stuck in the matrix." However, to most, this life is pretty dang good. He has a short commute, able to leave for lunch, can leave work while the sun is still up, has a dog, lives close to his mom, AND has a kid on the way:

A beautiful wife, a stable job, and he lives in the free state of Texas? And that is the worst nightmare for the aggregator account above?! There are people dying, Kim! 

Not every day is spent at Coachella followed by a weekend in Miami with a trip to Space at 5 AM. Hell, this guy is in really good shape while eating a donut, Chilli's, and Whataburger in the SAME DAY. His life may be "average" but his metabolism is not! 

The entrepreneur GRINDSET GRANT CARDONE 10X life is not for everyone and that is OKAY. We all aren't going to have Lambos in front of our Miami mansion. Some of us are just going to record our day in the life's going to work, Chilli's, and Whataburger.