Listen To The A's Play By Play Announcer Having The Worst Call In The History Of Baseball (Possibly Sports)

I get it. The A's are in the absolute bin. They are in a weird spot before they (probably) move to Vegas. Their fans hate the ownership. Players are being sent down to the Minors for supporting the fans. A franchise with a proud history is now lost. 

The above paragraph could go on and on.....HOWEVER, the play call that started this blog? Unacceptable. One of the worst in the history of sports. 

Was she not watching the game?! Maybe, because the A's are so broke they don't send their PxP announcers to the game? There's just no way, right? Even if that is the case, the call is still top 10 worst ever. Makes BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE look like Vin Scully. 

I know it was a big moment for the A's (they don't get many), but the A's on NBCS tweeting this was an absolute burial. If you work for the network, you at least have to mute it, right? 

"How about we have ourselves an even game" should've been her last words on air. An even game? What?

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A's fans have to be one of the most tortured fan bases in sports. Not only are they losing their team and their owners hate their fans, they STINK and their PxP announcer is awful. I like to think of myself as a tortured Mets fan, but at least I'm not an A's fan. It could always be worse.