Fuck Reggie Miller - The NBA's Biggest Flop Artist Is Now Trying To Scare Us By Dubbing Himself The Knicks 'Boogeyman' Before He Calls Game 2

FUCK Reggie Miller. Direct and to the point, that's basically the entire point of this blog. Reggie Miller is a bum flopper who made a name for himself by being the second best basketball player in his family. Also makes it even funnier that Pacers players and fans are crying about not getting calls in MSG when Reggie had the most blatant pushoff in his 8 points in 9 seconds game. Just a reminder to everyone, the Pacers lost that series. We can't forget that fact. 

So because somehow, someway Reggie Miller is an announcer, he is going to be in MSG for game 2 tomorrow. He's trying to taunt us about being our boogeyman. First off, no you're not. MJ is the boogeyman. You're just the guy we fucking hate. You're the guy who couldn't  beat us in the Eastern Conference Finals in 1994 or 1999. So you want to taunt us? Fine. Fair game, because I'm pro-shit talking. 

Now allow me as an old and someone who has a little bit of a brain in this situation to lay out a guide on how we should handle this. 

Step 1 - channel all the fuck Embiid chants to Reggie Miller

No brainer here from fans. Make TNT cut the broadcast because of how loud it is. Sneak in a bullhorn if you have to, we're all better off watching the game without sound than with Reggie there. He'll eat it up, he'll play into it, but make sure there's enough hate in the chant to get through the TV. 

Step 2 - Surround Reggie Miller with legends

I want to say I'm shocked Reggie flopped on this, but the whole rule that shooters can't kick their legs out now might as well be the Reggie Miller rule. But surround Reggie with the guys we have. I want John Starks sitting directly behind Reggie Miller. Put in a special chair so he's right up Reggie's ass. Starks has been all over the place these playoffs. He's a step away from getting on the floor and getting into a defensive stance. 

I want Marbury doing whatever he was doing yesterday right behind Reggie Miller. 

I want Larry Johnson diagonal of him just staring daggers with the LJ motion. 

Bring back Chris Childs for all I care. Surround Reggie with our guys, rattle the cage. 

Step 3 - win

This is all it comes down to. I don't care how ugly it is. Make Reggie Miller call a Pacers loss. Make him talk about Jalen Brunson getting 40. Make him talk about how great the Garden sounds. Make him sit there stunned about how the Knicks just keep finding ways to win despite having a 7-man rotation. And for the love of God keep Spike Lee away from him.