Big Oil Takes a MASSIVE L as 80+ Year Old Protestors to Vandalize The Magna Carta Display

I can't imagine what a nightmare today must be for any member of Britain's High Court. Or any Big Oil executive for that matter. I bet those soulless, earth-hating heathens thought they were going to have a nice laidback Friday. That they could pop into work a little late, snag a donut and coffee from the break room, take a couple easy meetings, pass a law that displaces a community of retired nuns to use their land as a drilling sight, wrangle up a bevy of river otters and strangle them with their bare hands, then cruise into the weekend without a care in the world. Well think again assholes. Reverend Dr. Sue Parfitt and Judy Bruce are here to make their lives a living hell.

Their demands are simple. The UK government is to enact an emergency plan to completely cease the extraction and burning of oil, gas, and coal before the year 2030.

euronews - They are demanding that the UK government commit to an emergency plan to end the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030.

“This week 400 respected scientists - contributors to IPCC reports, are saying we are ‘woefully unprepared’ for what’s coming: 2.5 or more degrees of heating above pre-industrial levels,” Bruce said, referring to a Guardian survey of climate scientists.

“Instead of acting, our dysfunctional government is like the three monkeys: ‘see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing- pretend we’ve got 25 years’… We haven’t! We must get off our addiction to oil and gas by 2030 – starting now.”

The ball is in the government's court. They've got until 2030 to make things right. That's less than 6 years. They better do it too. Because if they think this is bad… 

Just wait until they see what this dynamic duo has planned next. Even if temperatures rising "2.5 or more degrees of heating above pre-industrial levels" doesn't scare them. Even if they couldn't care less about the environment, or the future of our planet. Nobody wants to see what happens when Sue and Judy finally chisel through the glass and get their pruney hands on the Magna Carta. I hope government doesn't think they can just wait Sue and Judy out either. That they can just twiddle their thumbs and wait for Sue and Judy to shrivel up and evaporate into thin air. Sue and Judy aren't going anywhere. This is just phase one of what I'm sure is a master plan the likes of which the government would be wise to not see play out. 

It doesn't matter how deeply the UK government is in the pocket of Big Oil, or how much dirt Big Oil has on the High Court. Whatever Sue and Judy have up their sleeves will be significantly worse. Your move Britain.