"'Unfrosted' Reminds Me A Lot Of A Wes Anderson Movie' - A Real Human With A Functioning Brain (Sorta)

On the last episode of LCB, we talked a little news and then had the long awaited 'Unfrosted' debate between Jeff D and Steven Cheah. The former thinks it is a 0/100 and the latter loved it, so it was pretty interesting seeing them break down what they liked and disliked and the fact that we all thought Cheah was running a bit. 

Anyway, in typical Cheah fashion, he dropped one of the most unreal lines of critical thought on movies. Unfrosted, a movie which is essentially an extended standup bit, reminded him of one of the most meticulous auteurs in cinema. What makes it the best is that Cheah 100% believes it. People think he hams it up for the cameras and runs bits but, really, he doesn't. He genuinely believes some of the most absurd things you've ever heard in your life. 

You can watch the full debate HERE: