Shit Wars: Now We Have A Cowboys Fan Saying He Will Eat Human Shit AND Dog Shit If The Cowboys Don't Win The Super Bowl This Season

How in the hell did we get here as a civilization? The same species that built the wonders of the world and conquered the food chain by simply being smarter than all the other creatures on the planet appears to now be locked into a neverending chain of fans making shit eating bets on the internet for their favorite football teams.

We've covered the story of the coward known as @Nole321 nonstop around these parts, to the point that John Rich actually ate his own dog's shit. However now we have copycats that are willing to do the same along with a human shit kicker for a football team that has been a much bigger disappointment this century than Florida State. Truly remarkable stuff, especially when you consider that team is coached by this guy.

Now I will say this. I give credit to this Cowboys fan for being upfront that he is shamelessly doing this in a DESPERATE attempt to kickstart his comedy career to the point his fucking website is his TikTok handle. I feel like there have to be easier ways to get your name out there on the internet in the year 2024. But I'm here spreading his message on a popular sports comedy site, so I guess his mission is accomplished. However, I also know this bet is legit and he won't pussy out like @Nole321 because he not only went through with his tattoo bet but a Cowboys fan with cut eyebrows like that is oddly as honorable as it gets when it comes to honoring super weird bets because he is completely lost in the weird ass sauce of Cowboys fandom.

So best of luck getting those pageviews Jordan. I personally hope with every fiber of my Giants fandom being that you are eating a swirl sundae of human shit and dog shit the second or third week of January when the Cowboys absolute best seasons end these days. But maybe you will not have to eat dogshit and may get a few people to watch your stand up or prank videos or whatever you do.

Oh yeah, and the answer to how our civilization got here is clearly internet brain rot, which will no doubt one day lead to a bet like the one the sick fucks at Out of Order thought of.