Charles Barkley Won't Stop Making Fun Of 'Inside The NBA' Ending Next Season, Needs To Be Uncensored For The Final Year Of The Show

We know the story of what's going on with the NBA media rights and TNT likely losing it. That means no more Inside the NBA, the single-best show on TV. It sucks, no other way to put it. At the same time, we're getting a different version of Charles Barkley because he simply won't ever stop making fun of the fact the show is ending. He hates it, he's said that, especially for the crew and everyone behind the scenes who has a job. But we're getting a man who already will say what's on his mind, call out his bosses for being idiots and say stuff like this on TV.

All I know is if next year is truly the final season of it, we need to agree that Charles Barkley has the right to say whatever he wants and not be censored. I'll pay extra for it, I don't care. I want him to go out guns blazing. I want him to be as true to himself as ever before. He wants to tell Shaq to shut the fuck up, we let him. If he wants to call out his bosses while on TNT, let him. It's what makes the show great.

I'll die on that hill. The show isn't great for basketball analysis. We don't care about that, no matter how hard Kenny Smith tries to breakdown plays and schemes. We watch the show to see them argue with each other. We watch the show to watch them bust balls and be dudes. It's a comedy show more than a sports show at this point and that's fine. I don't know why people freak out that it's not crazy analysis. We all have social media, there's analysis every single second of a game these days. Sometimes, I just want to sit back and laugh. 

It's bittersweet listening to Chuck talk here. On one hand, jokes are what he should be doing. It's bullshit how dumb this whole situation is. I just don't want the show to end. America doesn't want the show to end. It's the one thing people agree on, it's the best studio show in all of sports. But if it does end, we need uncensored Charles Barkley the entire time.