Will Compton Is Crazy

Here we go again. My relationship with Will goes back a long way (4 full years). We've had some ups and downs. He was part of the most famous call in radio history 

We shared the barracks for Surviving Barstool 

and we even tried to organize a happy hour at D'Jais with the fellas. Overall every time we see each other it's a good time and very cordial. However, when he feels he's been crossed he goes on the attack and no one is better at it than him. He'll ruin your life. 

So it is with great risk that I even mention anything this man does in a negative tone at fear of him going absolutely ballistic again, but someone has to say it. The man is crazy. To say Burger King Fries are better than McDonald's is a confirmed bananaland take. I'm astonished a guy who is so well put together and has a head on his shoulders like Willy C, is so absolutely lost when it comes to fast food preference. This is like passing up Sydney Sweeney for Rosie O'Donnell. To sit there with a straight face and say you honestly think Burger King fries are better than McDonald's makes me think he either still lost his taste buds from the big bad Covid, or he's crazy. No rational person would ever say that unless they were suffering from one of those two things. 

Again, Will is a bit of a loose cannon so I don't want him coming after me, but I am certain I'm on the right side of this argument,