What a fucking day to be a Florida Panther!

What a fucking day to be a Florida Panther! The boys are just two games away from bringing the Stanley Cup to Broward County, Florida. Last night’s game was actual domination, unlike game 1 where all the "puck knowers" were screaming from the rafters that Edmonton was the better team even though they lost 3-0. Watching that game last night reminded me of when my older brother would absolutely manhandle me in Madden until I cried. That's what the Florida Panthers are to the Edmonton Oilers—we're their big, mean, older brother. It's not a knock on Edmonton—they're a great hockey team, but we're just better. There's a saying that goes, "the series doesn't start until a home team loses," and although that's true, the Florida Panthers are better on the road than they are at home. We **will** take at least one game in Edmonton. This team loves being the villain. They feed off it. 

This kid gets it. The mental game is what it is, and nobody is mentally tougher than the Florida Panthers. You can't get inside this team's head; we don't pay rent—we're rent-free. There hasn't been a single team this entire playoff run that has come close to matching our physicality, and here's a newsflash: Edmonton isn't going to either. You know you got a team on the ropes when they start throwing cheap shots like this:

They know they can't beat us fair and square, and I get it. I tried to cheat too when my brother was kicking my ass in Madden. I used to do whatever it took to get a win, but at the end of the day, no matter how hard I tried to get an edge, it didn't matter because my brother was simply that much better than me. The series is far from over, but the Florida Panthers are clearly the better team.