Ohio State's "Absolute Rockstar" Of Recruiting, Who Just Got Promoted To Assistant AD, Is Leaving To Become Michigan's Director Of Operations

Fuck this lady. And that's me showing some restraint in my old age. Because five years ago, I would've said fuck this bitch. Said something along the lines of these hoes are NOT LOYAL. But times have changed, and the politically appropriate words we're allowed to use have been minimized to describe the scum of the Earth such as Erin Dunston, who was posting shit like this literally last week:

How can you post that on June 2nd and accept a job at fucking MICHIGAN on June 11th? I'll tell you how. It's because you were never really bought into what it truly means to be a Buckeye in the first place. It's the disease that's run rampant through our Athletic Department as of late. We're filled with the most talented athletes / coaches / employees that money can buy (I'll admit it, this lady was good - an "absolute rockstar" according to Mark Pantoni), but none of them have any fucking heart. No toughness. No balls. And it shows up every single November now.

If I've said it once, I've said it no less than one thousand times. It's time we clean house at Ohio State and get back to our ways of letting OHIO PEOPLE lead the charge. Jim Tressel (Berea native) was 9-1 against the team up north. Urban Meyer (born in Toledo, grew up in Ashtabula) is 7-0 against those mother fuckers. But we bring in Mr. New Hampshire himself and Ryan Day can't beat them with CJ fucking Stroud? The fact that Marvin Harrison Jr and CJ Stroud have came and gone in Columbus without ever beating Michigan is one of the great tragedies of this country's history.

And now we've got spineless cowards like Erin Dunston and our running backs coach Tony Alford putting on textbook displays of "If you can't beat them, join em"

You have HAVE that motherfucker. And you can have this guy too:

What the fuck is going on to my great school? My great state? Checks notes….Roddy Gayle is from New York. Of course he is. And is Roddy Gayle talented? Yup. Can you win with him? Nope. You'll see, Michigan fans. You can actually see it right there in that tweet. Anyone that goes from Ohio State to Michigan is a traitor and has no redeeming personal qualities of a champion. They spend one day (or 5+ years) breaking every huddle with FUCK MICHIGAN and crossing out the Xs during "Hate Week", and then they go to Ann Arbor first chance they get? I would've trust Roddy Gayle, Erin Dunston, or Tony Alford as far as I can spit. And if I could spit all the way to Michigan I'd spit right on all 3 of them right now. Scumbags.

Bring me November right now. We're double digit points better than these motherfuckers this year and I can't wait to blog right in Erin Dunston and Tony Alford's dumbass faces when they made a couple extra dollars just to be hated by an entire state and fail at their new spot.