If You Don't Know How To Play Sports...Don't Play

Just a quick blog right to the point. If you don't know how to play sports ... don't play. If you literally a non athletic fucking loser who has nothing but intentions of trying to hurt people ... don't play. What you just watched is without a question the dirtiest play in sports. You can argue spiking a guy in baseball or a chop block, but with a chop block the guy isn't air born. Turning your back and undercutting a guy in the air is without a question an intent to harm and the dirtiest thing you can do on a court. If this is how you "play", don't play. You will only end up getting someone hurt, which again though was maybe your whole goal. 

Part of me blames this on myself. You get on the court with people who don't know what they are doing, or are looking for a fight or to hurt people it's your own fault for not removing yourself from the situation. Partially, they can't help it. They likely never had their dad around to help teach them the game or the rules, or even friends to play the game with. I'm lucky, I had a good dad who helped teach me the game, have a catch, and rebound for me when I wanted to get better. I had friends who would play in the street instead of live streaming video games or doing weird interviews for radio stations. I am lucky my dad wasn't MIA when it was time to teach me sports. I know the difference between guys who can play and guys who can't. I should have removed myself and not played the game at all. 

The real irk of all this even more than the lack of apology or disregard for human life, is just how difficult it is to operate one handed in life and try to get shit done on a daily basis. Try wiping your ass lefty. It's impossible. And here I am battling through these conditions while the perp walks away scot-free. There is clearly no justice in sports, I learned that the hard way.