Is Will Compton The Corniest Athlete Alive?

On the last episode of the bracket, we debated who the CORNIEST ATHLETE is. Part of the debate was a mini-play in for a crew of white (and asian) athletes with corn rows. One of the many options was Will Compton, who sported this interesting look at the Capital One Bowl. Some of you might be thinking "Why does his forehead have a different shade than the rest of his skin? To that, I say this: don't bash Will for his physical imperfections (of which, there are many!). Instead, be angry at the fact that my bracket cohosts didn't vote for him as the winner of the play in. Instead, they opted for 

MATTHEW FEARN. Getty Images.

BOOOOO. Coincidentally, every other athlete on this list was invited to the beer olympics but politely declined. All except Vlad Radmanovic, who said: Радије бих се убио него пио са то двоје. No idea what that means. Anyway, you can watch or listen to the the full ep below.