Mike Greenberg Makes The Case That The 2024 Boston Celtics Are One Of The Most Dominant Teams In NBA History And It's Hard To Spot The Lie

Brian Babineau. Getty Images.

For the record, I would like to start this blog by stating that despite us both being Greenbergs, I am not related to Mike Greenberg. Even though we also go by the same name (Greeny vs Greenie), we are different members of the same tribe. 

I feel like this is important to establish because after you watch this video, there's a chance you might think this is just typical Greenberg (me) homerism. Make no mistake, there's been a whole lot of that from me over the last 24 hours, but Mike Greenberg is a man of the media. He is unbiased. He is the voice of reason. 

OK, that's bullshit. We all know ESPN is the worst, but I am nothing if I am not fair, and despite Get Up being the root of a lot of the dogshit that the national media talked when it came to the Celts before their title, at least Greeny is doing his best to finally tell the truth

Of course, this is a claim that many will push back on. Mostly those people root for teams that will never sniff a title or are fans that have watched the Celts repeatedly take their favorite team to the woodshed on numerous occasions. But as Tiko Texas once famously declared

Numbers Never Lie

OK, back to the point of this blog. 

One of the beauties of the Celts finishing the job and winning this title, is partly everything Greeny read off in that video. You can debate all you want where they ultimately rank among the greatest and most dominant teams in NBA history, but they are most certainly in the conversation. The proof is in the pudding as they say

The funny thing about all of this is all of these numbers existed WELL before the playoffs began, and WELL before the Finals. Yet, despite everything being publicly available and staring everyone in the face for 8 months, they still didn't want to believe. Think back to the discourse around this team the entire year and especially in the playoffs. Let's not forget, all of these "experts" were quick to pick the Mavs to win the title. Everyone said the Celtics' system and style of play wouldn't win a title, despite the fact that it was historically dominant since October.

And really all this does is show you how winning is the ultimate cure. The only way the Celts were going to get stuff like that to stop and for people to FINALLY tell the truth about them was for them to get over the hump and win the whole thing. The second they did, the entire narrative around them changed.


I think for Celts fans, that's largely why this title is so rewarding. We were right. Now, we get to see all these people come crawling back to reality and admit what we've known since the beginning. They have to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong, their takes were just for clicks etc

And if that means that Mike Greenberg needs to go on Get Up and rightfully declare that the 2024 Boston Celtics are one of the most dominant teams in the history of the NBA, well who am I to argue that?