This Is The Story Of How A Magical Puppy Not Only Saved An NBA Franchise, But Helped Them Finally Become Champions

In the 10 years I've been fortunate enough to have the privilege of blogging on the best site on the internet, I've mostly tried to keep things in my lane. I don't really do the whole internet beef stuff, I don't really care about being "internet famous" (barf), or any of that shit, I don't really bring my personal life into content outside of the Celts, stuff like that. I basically just love to talk about my favorite basketball team every single day with fellow stoolies who are just as deranged as I am. To go through all these years with a bunch of internet strangers has given me a sense of family, even the ones who hate my guts or think I suck and want me to experience nothing but basketball pain. As long as you make sure to click the blog before you scroll to the comment section to tell me that, I have love for you as well.

Today, I want to break that mold a little bit. I'm not even sure if this is the place to do it, but for as long as I've been blogging on this site I've always felt this was a place where I could brain dump and put everything out there. Sometimes that means a 3,000 word blog about a random January win against the Wizards, and sometimes it's about a moment like this. 

Yesterday, I said goodbye to my best friend. It was sudden and unexpected. As any large breed dog owner will tell you, our time with them is nowhere close to long enough. For Saint Bernards, that reality is even shorter than most. What we thought was maybe just a fever and some normal arthritis/hip dysplasia given Walter's age quickly turned into discovering there was fluid around the lungs which was caused by an infection most commonly associated with lung cancer. I can't lie, going from one of the greatest moments of your life on a Monday to one of the worst moments of your life on Sunday was a bit of a mind fuck, and frankly it still is. 

I decided to write this blog for a few reasons. For starters, I need the release. But also because those who have been following me and our journey to Banner 18 these last 8 years have a connection to Walter as well. He is just as much a part of your lives as he is mine.

For those who don't really know the story, please allow me the opportunity to honor my good boy by telling you the story of how a magical puppy not only saved an NBA franchise, but helped make them champions forever.

In November 2016, the Boston Celtics started their season 5-5. At that time, things just didn't feel right. The team was underachieving, they had lost 4 of 6 after a 3-1 start, and the vibes were weird and in desperate need of a change. In a moment like this, I've always felt that as fans, we all have to do our part to turn things around. Maybe that's changing where you sit and watch games, maybe that's changing your gameday attire, the possibilities are endless.

For me, that meant making the decision to bring in a magical puppy to the mix. 

Enter Walter.

Walter was the first puppy I've ever had, and from the moment I saw him I knew there was just something about him. I don't really know how to explain it. If you're lucky enough in life, you are able to experience what it's like to have a soul dog, and that is what Walter was. He was my soul dog. 

Now that he was part of the crew, it was clear what his goal was. He was going to be the thing that turned the 2016-17 Celtics season around and ultimately win a championship. I didn't know how, but I felt it in my bones. 

Naturally, I did what I imagine every Masshole new parent does. I exposed him to greatness at an early age in hopes that it would translate and he would understand what it took to be both the GOAT and a champion

Almost immediately, Walter started delivering. A 5-5 record in mid November quickly morphed into a 27-14 run now that he was in the mix

But you see, my little guy's impact wasn't just showing up when it came to the overall record. All of a sudden another certain Little Guy couldn't stop carving up the league

All season long, as soon as Walter would hear the final buzzer on TV without fail he would run right to his victory picture location

Sometimes for the really big wins, he would even recruit his brother for the moment

By the time the playoffs hit, he was ready

After the Celtics epic 7 game series win against the Wizards, they and Walter were off to the ECF for the first time since 2011-12. It was at this moment that I knew he was truly the Chosen One.

When it was all said and done, in his first season this magical puppy had carried the Celts to a 48-24 record since his arrival, Isaiah Thomas finished top 5 in MVP, and the team had one of their best runs in almost half a decade. In my opinion, the results speak for themselves.

Over the next handful of years, Walter did what any normal puppy with title aspirations would do. He grinded. He watched the film

and just like the franchise, he stayed the course. He never wavered. As time went on it became more and more clear why he was put on this planet, which was to do whatever he could to do his part in delivering Banner 18. Trust me, I know how insane that sounds. But unless you've experienced what it's like to have a magic puppy, I'm not sure it'll ever make sense. 

Just like with Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown, Walter was molded by the pain of failure. Yet even despite the years of coming up short, my belief in his powers never wavered, just like my belief in Tatum and Brown being a championship duo remained strong. Together, they would one day figure it out.

Which brings us to 2024. 

At this time, the Jays were no longer these young pups. You could see how their game and mentality had matured. Walter, was also no longer a young pup. Now 7 (almost 8) years old, he was basically just like the Jays. This was the season where everything was coming together.

As we saw, the 2024 Boston Celtics had one of the greatest regular seasons in NBA history. That wasn't an accident considering the players and my magical puppy were operating at full power. 

Once the playoffs came around, they got even better. A 16-3 run while blowing doors at every stop, we were living out the destiny that was written in the stars.

When the final buzzer sounded and our wildest dreams had become our new reality

Jesse D. Garrabrant. Getty Images.

the first thing I thought about was how Walter actually did it. He didn't just turn this team around, he helped them become champions. Not just in some sort of dream from my delusional brain, but in real life.

Like I said, I get how silly this sounds. But to me, there's just something about how this all went down that makes me believe there was some sort of divine intervention at play. The instant success, the growth of the team coinciding with Walter's growth into becoming a giant, the fact that he was put on this earth to help the Celts win Banner 18, and then as soon as he witnessed it happen it was time to head up to the rafters to hang out with his brother Larry. His mission was complete.

To reinforce things even more, it was brought to my attention last night what happened immediately after the 5-5 start back in 2016. Who was the very first team the Celts played with Walter now on board?

and what was the last Celtics game he ever saw as they became champions?

Both wins at home. Both against the Mavs. Both holding them to under 100. 

My boy did it. His prophecy was fulfilled, and with that, it was time for his time with us to come to an end.

As I sit here and reflect on his life, Walter will forever be my magical puppy. And even better than that, for the rest of eternity he'll forever be a champion.

Thank you all for letting me get this out and if you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed the story of my goodest of boys. May he rest in peace.