I Don't Know Whether To Be Impressed Or Concerned With Steven Stamkos' Ability To Remember All 555 Of His Career Goals

Scoring a goal in the National Hockey League in general is one of the most impressive feats anyone can accomplish in hockey. You have to figure that maybe only 1% of all hockey players in the world have ever been able to get their name on an NHL scoresheet. Some guys play for 15 years, some guys only get a chance to play 15 minutes in the NHL. So I can understand remembering your first few goals in incredible detail considering it's such a crazy accomplishment. 

Then you score 100 and maybe each goal starts to mean just a little less to you. You get to 300 goals and there's simply no way you're remembering a random goal you scored off a deflection to make it a 3-1 game in early November. Once you get to 500, I'd assume you're only remembering the major milestone goals. 

But Steven Stamkos clearly has an addiction to scoring goals based on the 555 he's scored in his career so far. This man has such an obsession with scoring goals that he's found a way to log all of them in his brain with detail. It would be one thing if he remembered scoring an overtime game winner in Nashville a few seasons ago. But remembering it was Corey Perry who set the screen in front is borderline psychotic. 

He's a former 1st overall draft pick and a future Hall of Famer. Obviously his mind and body are going to be operating at a higher level than the rest of us regulars out there. But this? Well this is one of those moments where you're just thankful that Steven Stamkos decided to get addicted to scoring hockey goals instead of something more dangerous. Because who knows what else he'd be capable of doing with that type of power. 

Sidenote: I can't quite put my finger on why, but for some reason Steven Stamkos looks more natural in a Preds uniform to me than he did in the Lightning blues. 
