Iowa Football Players Are Shown A Teaser Clip Of Alternate Blackout Uniforms And They're Only Kinda Excited




That right there was a perfect encapsulation of the Iowa football program.  I don’t know.  Maybe I’m spoiled because I watch the videos KMarko posts of other big time college football programs unveiling alternate jerseys and the players absolutely lose their shit.  We’re talking running around the room, chest bumps, ripping down ceiling tiles and yelling things like, “Ohhhhhhhhh we’re gonna kill it in those!” Not Iowa.  A couple guys clapped their hands.  A couple guys did some hootin’ and hollerin’.  But for the most part the room was pretty subdued. Never get too high, never get too low.  Let’s just go 7-6, make a bowl game, send a couple lineman to the NFL and maybe give Kirk Ferentz an extension through 2050.  That’s the Hawkeye way.


True Life: I’d Rather Be Blocking


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PS- I’d be willing to give Coach Ferentz 100 guesses on who the rapper was in that song and be confident he wouldn’t come close. Nay, 1,000 guesses.