Let's Discuss Chicks' Biggest Red Flags
If you're a chick and you smoke it's absolutely fucking disgusting. Sorry, I don't make the rules. Society does. And no, I'm not talking about inhaling a Juul all day or vapes - I'm talking about girls who need a cigarette on the drive to work. Is it a double standard to me, a person who injects nicotine into my gumline about 18 hours a day?
It sure is.
But it also makes me look manly and like a cowboy too, if we're being honest. It even makes Feitelberg look a little less gay, which is a feat in and of itself.
There are a million others I can think of, but more importantly, I know what you're thinking: "WSD, you fat fucking midget, there's no way YOU, of all people, should be picking out ANY red flags in women!!!" and to that I'd say, "I know". But again, this is entire episode is a whopping double standard, so get off my ass.
Besides, almost the entire panel (sans Smokes, of course) openly admits that anytime a girl seems genuinely interested in us we find it repugnant and readily accept there's something wrong with them because of said interest. Huge red flag.
MID-BLOG THOUGHT: There's one exception to this rule: when it's those really old black and white movies from like 1948 or some shit.
This is Karin Dor:

Apparently she was the Bond girl in "You Only Live Twice" from 1967. For some reason chicks like her can pull smoking off. Like…she the cigarette makes her look hotter for some reason. Idk why, like I said, I don't make the rules.
Nevertheless, tune in. It was a fun one.