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Dennis Schroeder Thinks That Kevin Durant Is "Weak As A Person" Because Of The Way Durant Tweets

Dennis Schroeder says Kevin Durant is ‘weak as a person’  

"They won, and Kevin Durant tweets, 'High IQ and entertainment.' For me, that's just being weak. You're that type of a star, and you have to say something to a person like me who not even meant it to be negative. It was just what I see from both sides, you know what I'm saying? I didn't appreciate it. I don't care, but at the end of the day, that tweet, or whatever he posted, was because of me. For me, it was never no negative stuff. I respect all of those guys, all GOATs, but to say that tells me how weak he is as a person. It is what it is. Not everybody is strong, not everybody is in a good place," 


I actually very much disagree with Dennis Schroeder. Kevin Durant is just a troll on twitter that makes me laugh every time he tweets. If you don't understand the context, this is what Dennis Schroeder said about Olympic basketball.

While Durant fired back with this:

I respect Dennis for trying to say something about European Basketball but its a different game when it comes to USA Basketball. They would maybe lose 1 game if they played 100 games against European teams and they would only lose because they were bored or some shit. I think Dennis was just upset that KD clapped back when you talk shit and the other person backs it up they are definitely going to say something. As a fan I love that KD uses twitter like a Barstool employee that is in a inner office fight. I wish more athletes would talk a little shit online it would make the games a lot more enjoyable to watch. 

I think we need to do a documentary on Kevin Durant's tweets because sometimes he just gets riled up and I would love to see how he crafts these. And also would love to see all of his burners because you know he is firing off on all cylinders about some cray shit. All in all I think Dennis Schroeder is being a little soft because when you talk shit and lose you just need to shut your trap. I don't think it makes you weak to dunk on someone when you prove them wrong.