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Some Eagles Players Are Allegedly Telling Family Members Not To Go To Brazil Because Of The High Crime Rate

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Um…that's certainly not ideal. Especially when NFL vets like Darius Slay are just coming out and saying the quiet parts the NFL wants to keep silent out loud. And it's not the first time players are speaking their concerns about heading to South America for the season opener. Here's Josh Jacobs of the Packers talking about a (slightly debunked) aspect of heading to São Paulo: 

Ain't no greed like NFL greed. Like, really, Roger? Hiding the effects of CTE/concussions, price gouging fanbases thru the moon, fluffing your billionaire owners every way possible including encouraging franchises to take tax money to build their properties, killing God and taking his only day of rest, and now forcing this? You're literally putting your own teams and players in harms way buy more importantly, what the FUCK about the travelling fanbases and families who are there to support their team?!?!?!? SWEET JESUS. And don't tell me it's not dangerous. The teams are going to be fine. They'll have enough protection and support to actually invade and conquer Brazil if they so choose. But what about Delco Danny who just spent his last Barnaby's barbacking check on a fake passport to never miss an Eagles "Home Opener" in person? You think that guy has a chance in his Kelly Green 9" Nick Foles tshirt against Brazilian Gang Warlords? Actually, depending on how many pills he sneaks out of his rented room in Aston thru customs, maybe. But the point remains. The fact NFL players are saying the quiet parts out loud of what the NFL is telling them is REALLY fucked up. 

And to repeat, this Friday night South American Goodell greedfest is the Eagles official HOME OPENER. Thanks a lot, Rog! 

Go Birds. And like Darius Slay said, it's Week 1. Time to get excited. If you're heading down there please be careful and be sure to only Bleed Green, not red. Now only if the NFL can get tackle the real controversies at hand in the league, like helping out South Philly Joe post print out screenshots after sunset to cover a confirmed fake Eagles-ad/endorsement of Kamala Harris at Philadelphia bus stops: 

Forget this election, the Eagles could've officially endorsed the entirety of the Axis Powers, Bin Ladin, Lucifer, Epstein, and The Dallas Cowboys and I'm guessing South Philly Joe and 99% of the Delaware Valley would still pay money to watch this team. That's how much the Birds/NFL have a grip over all the entire area/America. And the Roman Circus, plays on. 

Go Birds.