Why It's Impossible To Feel Bad For Daniel Jones: He Has Thrown More Pick-6s Than Touchdowns Since Signing A $160 Million Deal

It's the Monday after week 1. Perfect time to read about everything, see everyone's thoughts. That's when I read Dante blog about the Giants. Feel bad for Daniel Jones? What in the living fuck? You know why it's impossible for anyone to feel bad for the guy, allow me to show you the single most ridiculous stat out there

Dante isn't a Giants fan. I don't know if he's trying to play the opposite side or rub it in our faces. No, none of us feel bad for Daniel fucking Jones since he stinks at quarterback. Welcome to playing in the NFL. Is it weird guys waited in the parking lot too boo him and hurl terrible insults at him? Sure. But he's also leaving in a car and $160 million contract. What a dumb contract. Then we got Marty out here saying it wasn't all his fault? 

How many excuses are we gonna make for the guy? Could the line be better? Sure, but it wasn't awful: 

Daboll needs to stop coaching scared. Stop punting on 4th and short. But come on, we're in year 6 of this Daniel Jones experience. It sucks. It sucks knowing there's little to none hope. The man has thrown more touchdowns to opposite teams than his own. That's as pathetic as it gets. I don't care the sample size, it's been multiple games with no touchdown passes. No, I don't feel bad for the guy. I won't let people try to convince us to feel bad for the guy. He stinks. It's time to find a new quarterback so fans feel invested longer than 2 possessions of the 1st game.