We Had Peak Russell Wilson This Weekend As He Dressed In Full Uniform Despite Being Ruled Inactive On Sunday

Russell Wilson gonna Russell Wilson. 

There was talk all last week that Wilson's calf was strained and that Justin Fields was going to get the nod for Sunday's opener, and the Steeler's ended up making it official on Sunday morning.

Wilson was ruled inactive, and Fields was named the starter. But that didn't stop Russ from suiting up and taking pre-game reps.

This is so on brand for this guy it's not really even funny anymore. My friend Mike sent this to me and I didn't even have to second guess it. 

And it's not like this was a borderline injury either. They were whispering about this all last week AND it looks like he's not even going to be able to go this week. 

Now, how much of that has to do with Justin Fields' completing 73 percent of his passes for 156 yards while adding 57 yards on the ground on 14 carries, and most importantly, NOT turning the ball over in helping secure a big road win, and how much has to do with Wilson's calf I don't think we will ever know. Mike Tomlin isn't a moron and knows how to keep his cards close and how to play them even better. 

(Sidebar- I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but if I was one, I might be lead to think this whole calf injury thing is Tomlin's sharp mind figuring a way for Fields to start without opening up the media floodgates and destroying Wilson's confidence even more than it already is.)

But either way, rest assured, whether he's active or inactive, we can count on Mr. Unlimited being suited up and ready to go. 

p.s. - never forget