People Are Only Complaining About The Correct Pass Interference Call Because It's The Chiefs And Everyone Thinks The Refs Always Bail Them Out

Let's get right to the point here. That's PI. He came right through his back and was early. The only reason people are losing their minds about it is because it's the Chiefs. The Chiefs get 'bailed out' all the time. It's the only argument for this not being a PI call. We're all sick of NFL refs and the constant flags and inconsistency of what's a flag or not, but this is PI. It's PI for the Chiefs or even the Panthers - okay, maybe not the Panthers, Bryce Young can't make a throw that close to a receiver. But regardless, this is the right call. I know it'll be amplified even more because it was an awesome game, the Bengals think they get fucked any time they lose and we have the whole Bengals vs Chiefs rivalry. No one wants a game to come down to a foul call in any sport, but don't commit it. Or, OR, hear me out here. Don't have your rookie DB out there on 4th and 16 like Mo points out: 

You can scream that the NFL has a ref problem but what happens when they make the right call? Don't hit the dude early, that simple. Again, the Chiefs get 'bailed out' because Mahomes is able to keep plays alive and throws. Of course there's a better chance for a flag when you're not launching Hail Mary's or getting sacked on a 3-man rush. I don't care who wins this game, it has no impact on the Giants getting the No. 1 pick, but come on, that's PI. Obviously people lose their minds over calls late in the game, no one bats an eye if this is 48 seconds left in the 3rd or if it was a team like the Cardinals.