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The Legend Grows: Brad Nessler Claims Bill Raftery Would Easily Outlast Ric Flair During A Night Out Drinking

Death, taxes, Bill Raftery winning a drinking competition. No shit Raft is outlasting Ric Flair, you give me the Irish dude from Jersey who has the nickname Uncle Onemore any day of the week. There's also a reason that Bill Raftery is my number 1 answer of which person in the world I most want to have a drink with. He's also my number 1 answer to play golf with, have dinner with, basically hang out with. No one and I mean no one is more fond of Bill Raftery than this guy right here. He's a college basketball encyclopedia who will drink some cocktails all night and treat you to dinner at the finest Italian food while on the road. Sign me up. 

Could you imagine the drinking contest between these two though? It would need a crowd so we can get the wrestling fans involved. You know what I'm talking about, what two guys are chopping each other in the middle of the ring you get the fans alternating who they yell for. Every cocktail down just a WOO followed by an ONIONS. Don't get me wrong, Flair is known for his partying but like Nessler says in a marathon it's Raftery with ease. Flair is going to win a sprint only because Raft is a crafty vet who knows what it takes to stay on top of the game. 

I know it may seem weird to want to be best friends with an 81-year old, but the heart wants what the heart wants. All I dream of is that one night of drinking and talking ball with Bill Raftery. In fact I don't even need to talk, I'll just listen to his stories. Everything you hear about the guy is how he owns the room (the bar) and will keep places open no matter what their hours are. Another win for the legend, Raft.