Bill Belichick Is Must Watch & Listen To On Inside The NFL. His Breakdown Of The Shanahan/Kubiak Coaching Tree Was The Most Entertaining Thing Of The NFL Season So Far

I'm sure Jerry's dick was harder than a Chinese arithmetic book watching this. But mine got a little chub too. And yours should as well if you truly love football. 

Because this is the good stuff right here. 

I don't think we have fully grasped how blessed we are to have this Belichick hiatus from coaching right now where he is able to educate us on a weekly basis like this. 

The only people luckier than us viewers on television, are Ryan Clark, Chris Long, and Ocho Cinco. And you can tell they are relishing the shit out of it, rightfully so. 

Chad Johnson and Ryan Clark with the "yes sirs", and Chris Long sitting their captivated by Bill breaking down how a young Klint Kubiak growing up, spending his formative years in and around his dad Gary and the Shanahan -Terrell Davis smashmouth Broncos has led to a resurrection of that same late 1990s offense. Only a mind like Belichick’s (and maybe Saban’s) could connect the dots between a 1998 Denver offensive scheme with a 2024 New Orleans one.

Seriously, how the hell does this guy remember half of this stuff? 

I'd make a joke here that Belichick is like Rain Man, but when it comes to the intricacies of football, Belichick makes Dustin Hoffman's Rain Man look like Forest Gump. 

I mean take this insane story that Devin McCourty casually dropped on Kevin Clark's show last week about Belichick's expertise on fucking WIND PATTERNS inside Gillette Stadium.

“There are so many. But I think this is one of the most unique stories. This is my rookie year. We’re playing the Jets on a Monday night so we’re doing a nighttime walkthrough Sunday night before the game.

“He grabs all the corners and he grabs me, and says ‘Hey, when we’re running down this sideline, the way the wind pattern is in our stadium going towards the open end, the wind whirls like this. So the ball is going to look like it’s going further than it is. But it’s gonna hit that wind and it’s just gonna drop. So when you are running on this side, make sure you turn around and get your head back.’

“I remember sitting there like ‘Really, dude? The wind pattern?’ And sure enough, I get a go-ball on that side against Braylon Edwards. I turn and then I look back at him and then I remember what Bill said. I turn my head back and the ball drops right in my lap, get an interception. After that, there was nothing that guy could tell me where I would be like ‘Nope.’ I believed in everything, I was drinking the Kool-Aid after that.”

I really need to start my own show or something here so I can get my guys like Gronk on regularly to retell me the stories I've dragged out of him over the years about what a mad-scientist Belichick was behind the scenes during the week. From everything I was told, how Belichick is running these segments on Inside The NFL are basically how he conducted film day Tuesdays and team meetings. Like the best college professor you ever had. Rather than sit up there and pontificate, loving to hear himself talk, he'd engage the entire team and coaching staff with questions. Not to try to catch them off guard and embarrass them. But to emphasize that all phases of the game mattered to every person of the field no matter what side of the ball they played. Or coached. 

There's a reason Kevin Faulk and the team dubbed it "The University of Belichick". 

p.s. - A+ comment from Troy here. Could not possibly agree with this more. Hopefully the genius suits running network TV are paying attention.