Here's A Perfect Example Of The Absolute Worst Thing You Can Do On A Golf Course

I don't know how old this video is or it's original source and quite frankly I don't care. Up until now, I've never heard the sound of a Titleist 913D2 flex shaft 9.5 degree strike a human skull. And notwithstanding a fatality or lifelong disability, it was worth the wait. If you could seamlessly rewind instagram reels then I'd still be uncomfortably thumbing this one back out of pure animal instinct. Like when there's a traffic jam because of an accident and you get inherently annoyed to see it's just a mere fender bender. WE WAITED ALMOST 18 MINUTES FOR SOME ASSHOLE IN A NISSAN. 

That's how I feel watching this one back and that could be at the risk of it being a deep fake. Or old news. Or maybe the guy in pink actually suffered a horrible fate. Based on the accents, I'm assuming they shook hands shortly thereafter and debated Edmonton's power play strategy around a large fire. Or maybe an old fashioned Moose hunt. 

In either event, I know most Canadians are fundamentally opposed to the concept of head injuries much less their practical existence. So let's instead focus on best practices when someone hits into your group. 

First you have to decide if it was an accident or if they're being pricks. Have they been riding your ass unnecessarily? Or is it a twosome on a Saturday afternoon at the local muni that's trying to set the course record for most groups played through? The most important thing is figuring out the intent. And from that, I encourage you withhold judgment and don't assume the worst. Most of the time it's a guy who doesn't know better, and he just caught his perfect drive without a clue to yardage or his surroundings. 

That's also why I further encourage you to almost always give the guy a chance to apologize the first time it happens. That's because you're almost always going to get an extremely apologetic I HAD NO IDEA. 

When that happens, you have an obligation to play it cool. There's no bonus points for being a jag off when someone's already contrite. If anything, just remind the group that you're playing behind someone too. Or the course is backed up. Or that you're on pace. Or honestly whatever standard jargon is for that situation, just barf that up and move on with your round. 

Some general exceptions: 

- It's happened more than once 

- They're being a fuck 

- You're on a par 3 

- You're wife was giving you a hard time in the morning and you're already pissed off at the world

From here, the smartest thing is to get mad at the other 3 guys. Unless of course you choose violence as your primary response mechanism. Then obviously leave those guys out of it. 

But if you want to bitch and make a point, then you confront the group. Something like Can you get this asshole reeled in or do I need to call the pro shop? Say something like that to the most serious looking guy in the group. The one with the nice head covers and tour bag. 

That's the guy keeping the scorecard and I can guarantee you he's in the best position to send your desired message. So you give him just a little taste of the business, and then just sit back while he cooks his buddy for the rest of the day. It's one thing to argue with a stranger, it's another thing to get it from your own group for being a dick. 

Another exception exists when someone hits a bad shot into your group. A clean shank into an adjacent fairway or a monster block/push that rolls into your tee box. Something along those lines... in that case, you first have to decide if anyone's hurt. If yes, monitor the damage and don't listen to anything I have to say. 

If no, then put the ball on a tee and move about your day. He's going to laugh when he sees it and that laugh will lead to cleaner action and a smoother ball strike out of trouble. Same time, you get a nice little jab in there that acknowledges the original shank. Double whammy provided you're not at some fancy schmuck fest course with a drink limit and enforcement policy. If so, just keep to yourself and survive the day. 

Most importantly though, please don't crater another man's temple with your driver. That would be felony battery and felony battery is very bad.