This Catch Beats Anything Garrett Wilson Or Odell Beckham Jr. Has Ever Done

This incredible catch by Jets Wide Receiver Garrett Wilson is being hailed as the catch of the year. 

This original one hander at MetLife Stadium from Odell Beckham Jr. is kind of the standard nowadays. 

But none of them could top this catch I made today on The Yak. When discussing great catches I mentioned how it irked me that this Eagles fan spiked this ball and gave it back to the team.

I mentioned how in my lone catch on an NFL (practice) field I kept the ball.

But The Yak wanted me to have an even better catch today. So we set it up where I'd be flipping a pancake and they'd throw me a ball to catch. I've never really flipped a pancake very high in my life, so it was a new experience. But I'm a natural.

Some people have even mixed it to an awesome highlight.

WARNING: Do not let your girlfriend watch this version.

Catch today's full Yak here:

touchdown catch