NASA Is Close To Capturing A Platinum and Plutonium Astroid Worth 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 Dollars

An asteroid worth $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 could turn every single one of us into billionaires. Hypothetically.
Last month, NASA sent a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket to go and probe 16 Psyche, one of the largest discovered M-type asteroids.
The spacecraft will travel 2.2 billion miles (3.5 billion km) to its destination, located in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Most asteroids we know of are made up of rock and ice - but this one is pretty special.
16 Psyche is composed of metals which could greatly benefit our economy - hence its huge monetary value.
Ten quintillion. Ten Quintillion Dollars. That number is impossible to wrap our little pea brains around. I'm a firm believer that no one can even comprehend what a billion is let alone 10 quintillion dollars. With that money, you could buy 100 billion F-35 fighter jets, over 6.67 quadrillion MacBooks, 250 trillion Jeeps, about 1 quintillion pizzas- which would feed everyone on earth two slices of pizza for 500,000,000 days or -to make it easier to understand 1,369,863 years. Try to imagine that. Spoiler alert you can't.
As of right now, to get 2.2 billion miles away, you'd have to travel in the fastest manmade device, the Parker Solar Probe. If you flew that little slut at top speed it would take approximately 213 days to travel 2.2 billion miles.
How long would it take to drive? Well, let's use the Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300's speed, which tops out at 304 mph. I'd imagine you'd get a pretty hefty fine especially if you were in a school zone. It would take the Bugatti 826 years to pull up on them astroid hoes.
The Third Crusade had just ended and your mom was still suckin this dick 826 years ago.
One more before we go. There are currently around 8 billion people on Earth (1.4 Billion humans live in India which is wild). If you got the full price for the asteroid, you could evenly distribute 1,246,105,919 dollars to everyone on Earth. Fucking insanity.
Anyway, that was talking science.