Sydney Sweeney Officially Joins Greek Life After Being Announced As The Sweetheart Of Theta Chi At Miami
I took one glance at our backend and saw that pageviews weren't high enough for the day so I went deep into my bag and somehow stumbled upon a story that hasn't been covered anywhere on the Internet yet. I don't even know how I landed upon an announcement yesterday from the Theta Chi Miami chapter announcing that Sydney Sweeney was going to be their sweetheart but here we are. Low and behold, a post with only 3,000 likes and a Sydney Sweeney comment, and an Eddie Barstool like that I would very much like to know how he found, and we've got our pageviews moneymaker.
I wasn't involved in Greek life at all, but a quick Google search tells me that a fraternity sweetheart is defined as: "fraternity sweetheart" is a woman, typically from a sorority, chosen by a fraternity chapter to represent them, often participating in their events, philanthropic activities, and serving as a public face for the organization; essentially, she is considered the "female representative" of the fraternity. So how did the Theta Chi chapter at Miami somehow manage to get one of the biggest celebrities on the entire planet to represent them? Turns out that she's friends with this fella who is in the frat:
A quick look at his Instagram is a bunch of posts with celebrities seemingly from invites that he got from being associated with Sydney: Euphoria premieres, award shows, etc. I can't think of many things that would make you a higher commodity on campus than you traveling the planet with Sydney Sweeney so a hat tip to Seppe for landing the golden ticket. What initially seemed like a fraternity just using photos of what many would call the hottest woman they've ever seen turns out to be a real heartwarming story of Sydney helping out these young hardworking fellas over at Miami with some great promo.
What is yet to be seen is how exactly Sydney gets involved, but judging by a "see you soon ;)" comment on the announcement post, attendance at whatever event these fellas are gonna draw up might end up being astronomical. Good for those guys and welcome to the Brotherhood or whatever you call it Sydney!
And no dig here to Dante, who the editors published a checks notes 13 word blog about Sydney a few days ago, so here's a gallery that Malcolm Smutler would be proud of instead of a bunch of words you probably aren't gonna read anyway:
That's all folks (mainly so our website that still hasn't been updated doesn't crash your phone or laptop from being unable to load everything).
P.S. I may have found a new cheat code to unlimited Twitter followers judging by all these "Sydney lore" accounts that just post photos of her and get a zillion likes on every post. More to come.
That's all folks (mainly so our website that still hasn't been updated doesn't crash your phone or laptop from being unable to load everything).
P.S. I may have found a new cheat code to unlimited Twitter followers judging by all these "Sydney lore" accounts that just post photos of her and get a zillion likes on every post. More to come.